Wednesday, February 29, 2012


今天是很特别的一天哦,不是有人向我这个老人家表白啦,是4年一次的29号哦~ 你们在这天做了什么特别的事吗?我没相信他们所说的:今天是女生表白日,要向你喜欢的男生表白,而男生不能拒绝哦~ (*^__^*) 嘻嘻……  我觉得当一个女生确定了她是真的喜欢那男生,哪一天都可以是表白日 :) 今天我没做什么特别事啦,昨天开始家里电视有很多戏了,因为爸爸换了新配套,价钱也贵了些,还有 astro on demand 了耶 =D 所以今天我都在家看戏,除了下午的五点到晚上八点去打球~ 今晚,终于和这些大忙人出来喝茶啦!是啦!!说你们啦:佩晶,慧欣!而家威和ah luck平时有出来喝茶的,不算大忙人 ^,^ 好久没那么开心,少少人,在沙滩听海声,不是吹海风,聊天聊得那么开心  :) 说了要帮慧欣不要想那么多,可是家威总是爱作弄人~ 当慧欣说他在吃鱼时都会想到之前帮阿轩挑鱼骨,而家威却说可能慧欣在吃鱼时,阿轩在吃鲍鱼~ 真是给他炸到,全场笑到,令慧欣也哭笑不得的~可是说真的,你们要多出来啊~这样我们才能天天笑嘛~ 懒惰继续写了,就到这里吧~ 祝大家都快乐啦 ♥ =D 

♥ 我爱拍照 
♥ 隐隐约约看到它是巧克力色的 

Monday, February 27, 2012

*Im in kmn*

是上厕所又上厕所 >.< 
觉得这就是生病的第一形象 :( 
然后,我就睡了 。。。 
所以今天我才一直做同样的动作 >.<
可是我宁愿这样也不要那么快开始读书 :P 
最近的我,看来很憔悴 =(

Saturday, February 25, 2012

*Im in Dungun*

最近都很累的,睡不够吧~ 回来睡了那么久还是累累的,不知道自己想怎样 >.< 我从龙运回来了~ 去看奶女们打球,觉得他们真的进步了很多,和去年完全不一样了~ 你们拿到冠军是应该的,真替你们开心~ 星期五早上六点和颖莹下去看他们打球了,累透了啦~ 看了一整天,回去睡觉又是一早醒来下龙运了~ 不多写废话啦,还是想睡觉多点~ :P

我们在mcd :)

这三个一直在做傻 :P



Tuesday, February 21, 2012

*I'm in PJ'

Yeah! I am currently in PJ now, enjoy my holiday :) 20-2-2012, what did you all busy? ME? playing whole day, and had a great day with ah li in the evening. We went to sing k at neway one utama =D Night, watched a movie namely "ghost rider" with one of my foundation colleague, Yao Xiang =) Thanks to you for the free ticket =P I slept for 11hours and the next day, went to sing k with Yingying, ah yao, yuen ling and chia jee. Today i looked tired but still enjoy with them. After sing k, jalan-jalan at Popular, used up RM100 vouncher. What i gonna buy for another rm50 rest ~ Now only i know rm200 too much for me.. I am greedy, want this, want that, want everything... :P Finally, i only choose those stuff i need and i want, like what i study in Economic, effective demand, buy something that i only need and it make me satisfied to buy it, hahahahahah =D Now, why i still awake? NO, i just take a nap just now :D continue my holiday tomorrow =)) 
FREE ticket :)
 我们去唱歌啦 =)
 右手边那两位明明就不认识的 >.<
故意的 :P

Sunday, February 19, 2012

*The day we eat "big apple donuts" together*

 Gong xi Fa Cai 

 Elaine Fong 
 Ah Boon 
 Ying ying 
 Khai leng 
Ah yao 

*I'm in KL*

I have been Kl for 1weeks, one part of my journey in this holiday =) someone feel jealous my life now ornot? hehe.. YEah!Now is my time to enjoy my life without work, study and stress =D 17-2-2012, I went to "petaling street with 91Geng, happy journey :D Before "petaling street", we went to KLCC first, just walk  around there then walk to pavillion. I met Ying ying, ah yao, khai leng, chia jee and yuen ling there. And took 3 pictures =D We didn't met each other in KL for 1months already, felt stranger to them :( Although only 15mins to 20mins, we will meet each other the day after tomorrow too, hahahahaha =D Ah qiang, me, my brother, shy wen and kah win met zhen wei and boon pneg in bus and we went to "petaling street" together.. =) We went to a restaurant take our dinner =D Happy journey with them =) That night, i didn't sleep and play ramy until 6am. Fetch my bro to KLiA and sleep from 9am to 6pm, awersome!! hahahaha ~ 

 Soooooooooo Black 

Lazy upload rest of the photos :P hahahaha, please view =)

Saturday, February 18, 2012


我生日过了很久嘛,(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……现在只想分享照片啦。。之前朋友都没空上载照片,现在可以和大家分享啦 =)